Technology Dissemination: Technology Dissemination unit is continuously working for dissemination of the Institute technologies among farmers, tribal’s, entrepreneurs, MSMEs and industries in various part of country and abroad also. The major activities undertaken for technology dissemination by division are given below Interaction with daily visitors including farmers, entrepreneurs, MSMEs, Industries, Govt. officials and students. Organisation of skill development programmes in various part of country on cultivation, processing and marketing aspects of MAPs. Organisation of awareness programmes at farmers field on different aspects of medicinal and aromatic plants. Organisation of field level demonstrations of newly released variety/technologies of institute. Technology transfer with industry, entrepreneurs and women’s. Organisation of business meeting with user industry of MAPs for assessment of trend of demand in domestic and international markets. Organisation of Kisan Mela at CIMAP Head quarter Lucknow and its Research Centres. Consultancy services and contract research and development based projects for industry and other organisations. Preparation of feasibility reports on MAPS cultivation and processing for industry, govt and non govt. Organisations. Economic assessments and socio-economic studies of MAPs. Impact assessment of institute technologies and varieties at field level. Market linkage between farmers and user industry for promotion of contractual cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants. Supply of distillation unit engineering design & drawing and publications related to MAPs. Recycling of offered flowers technology for making incense sticks and fragrant cones International training programmes on MAPs cultivation, processing and value addition Due to continue efforts of Technology Dissemination team CSIR-CIMAP technologies reached to remote and unreached areas of country specially in tribal, remote and problematic areas. Specially in tribal areas of Dudhwa (UP), Bastar (Chhattisgarh), Jharkhand, N-E-R states, Jadhol (Udaipur, Rajasthan), Kutch (Gujarat), Flood affected areas of UP and Bihar, Odisha, Bengal, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra etc. states. Computational Biology : The Computational Biology Unit is devoted to the theoretical investigation of biochemical data, biological sequence analysis, OMICS data or Big data analysis using methods/algorithms of Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning/ Deep Learning/ Bioinformatics tools & techniques, Next Generation Sequencing data analysis of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Genome & Transcriptome, Molecular Modeling & Simulation studies especially in lead identification/optimization, virtual screening, biological activity/toxicity prediction through Quantitative Structure-Activity/Toxicity Relationship (QSAR/QSTR), Pharmacophore Modeling, Structural Bioinformatics, Cheminformatics studies, In-silico studies in Bioprospection domains such as exploration of drug targets and their Mechanism of action through Molecular Docking & Molecular Dynamics, Predictive Pharmacokinetics, Predictive Toxicity Risk Assessment, Oral Bioavailability, Systems Pharmacology, Agrinformatics, Advanced Remote Sensing Tools and Techniques, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAVs) for Precision Agriculture, Database and Tool development. Faculties of the unit have been actively contributed to the Major National projects namely Aroma Mission, Phytopharmaceutical Mission, Namami Ganga, AgriDrone and Indian Biodiversity Information Network. During this period, several externally funded projects from the National Medicinal Plant Board, New Delhi, Industry Sponsored Project (SSP), Forest Department, UP and Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi were also executed. Laboratory Instruments and Facilities: Training Hall and Business Meeting room with audio-visual facility. Training facility for demonstration of aggarbatti and cones from offered flowers with small instruments. WETF – Women Entrepreneurial Training Facility at Chandrika Devi Temple, Bakshi Ka Talab, Lucknow established in 2010. Scientists Dr. Prabodh Kumar Trivedi Director & DU Leader director[at]cimap[dot]res[dot]in Dr. Sanjay Kumar Coordinator & Senior Principal Scientist sanjaykumar[at]cimap[dot]res[dot]in Dr. Manoj Semwal Senior Principal Scientist m[dot]semwal[at]cimap[dot]res[dot]in Dr. Feroz Khan Senior Principal Scientist f[dot]khan[at]cimap[dot]res[dot]in Dr. Ramesh Kumar Srivastava Principal Scientist rksrivastava[at]cimap[dot]res[dot]in Dr. Ram Suresh Sharma Principal Scientist rs[dot]sharma[at]cimap[dot]res[dot]in Dr. Bhaskar Shukla Principal Scientist bhaskar[dot]shukla[at]cimap[dot]res[dot]in BIO Dr. Bhise Rushikesh Nanasaheb Senior Scientist rushikesh[at]cimap[dot]res[dot]in Dr. Aman Chandra Kaushik Scientist amankaushik[at]cimap[dot]res[dot]in Technical Staff Mr. Ram Pravesh Yadav Sr. Technical Officer Mr. Manoj Kumar Yadav Technical Officer Mr. Deepak Kumar Verma Technical Officer Mr. Durga Prasad Mindala Senior Technical Officer Ms. Rajni Gautam Technical Assistant